This should be terrible. It’s a cover of a rock’n’roll standard by a one-hit-wonder known only for a novelty song half a century ago.
It takes Jerry Lee Lewis’s wild rendition and rearranges it for a pub piano. In a lurching waltz time. With a clarinet solo.
It couldn’t possibly work, could it?
And yet, there’s something peculiarly compelling about it.
Especially if you share my delight in bizarre cover versions.
I’m thinking, for example, of William Shatner’s version of Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds.
And, by a curious coincidence, Leonard Nimoy’s take on Elvis with his cover of I Just Can’t Help Believing.
Not forgetting Sid Vicious’s tribute to Sinatra with that dangerous interpretation of My Way.
Then there’s Devo doing their jerky take on the Stones’ Satisfaction – or, if that’s not weird enough, The Residents’ version.
Now this.
When Lieutenant Pigeon topped the charts with Mouldy Old Dough in 1972 she became, at 59, the oldest woman to do so – and they remain the only mother-and-son to do so.
Even if you don’t share my enthusiasm, you should give this one a go… if only to take the YouTube views into double figures.