
Iggy Pop returns to what he does best with Strung Out Johnny, a powerful song about addiction, from his 2023 album Every Loser.


Thin Lizzy – Slow Blues

5th January 2025 · 1970s, 1973, Music, Rock

I’ve only just stumbled upon this deep cut from Thin Lizzy, which seems to have been excavated from the vaults at some point last year.


Cream – I Feel Free

6th September 2024 · 1960s, 1966, Music, Rock

When I was a schoolkid I loved Cream. Everybody loved Cream. And this was their signature song. They were the original “power trio” of guitar, bass and drums – Eric Clapton, Jack Bruce and Ginger Baker.


Heavy metal pioneers Deep Purple return to majestic form more than half a century after they started with Lazy Sod.


Florida band The Outlaws brought the three-guitar line-up into country rock, blending three-part harmonies with their multiple guitar solos.


The Kings Of Leon never did much for me when they appeared 25 years ago. I always felt their story – three sons of an itinerant preacher and their cousin – was better than their music.


Here is Alice Cooper’s breakthrough hit I’m Eighteen from 1970. Three years later it was the song Johnny Rotten – 18 or 19 at the time – famously mimed to for Malcolm McLaren to get the job of singer with The Sex Pistols.


RIP Steve Albini – record producer extraordinaire (Nirvana, Pixies, PJ Harvey, Low, Manics, Breeders) and band member (Big Black, Rapeman, Shellac).


Blue Cheer was never been anything more than a name to me – a late-Sixties band that I’d never actually heard. Now that I finally have… well, fucking hell!
