RIP Chris Bailey, The Saints (1957-2022)

11th April 2022 · 1970s, 1977, Music, Punk

I’m properly sad to hear that Chris Bailey has died. The Saints were a huge part of my youth.

They were also arguably the inventors of punk – albeit by accident. They’d been making this sort of racket in Brisbane since 1973.

Their debut single (I’m) Stranded came out three years later, in September 1976, and caused an instant sensation in my world.

The following summer they came to London and I must have seen them at least a dozen times over the next few years, including a triple-bill at The Roundhouse in June with The Ramones and Talking Heads.

They never bought into the posing of punk and Chris was an Everyman in contrast to your Rottens, Strummers and Vanians.

The ultimate “ordinary bloke,” he was slightly overweight, unfashionably long-haired, puffing on his fag with a beer in hand, wearing whatever he found on the floor that morning.

I flipping loved them. And I’m flipping sad he’s gone.

RIP Chris Bailey