Wings – C Moon

10th November 2020 · 1970s, 1973, Music

Paul McCartney might now be a national treasure, with John Lennon revered retrospectively as the edgy rebel of The Beatles, but back in the early Seventies it was Macca who upset the Establishment.

The first Wings single, Give Ireland Back To The Irish – written immediately after Bloody Sunday – was banned. And so was the third, Hi Hi Hi.

This was the Mary Whitehouse era and the censors took issue with the song on two counts: firstly on the grounds that its title was a drug reference (and let’s be fair, it probably was) and secondly for the sexual euphemism in one of its lyrics (and let’s be fair, there probably wasn’t one).

They appear to have misheard the nonsensical line “I want to lie on the bed, get you ready for my polygon” as the even more nonsensical “… get you read for my body gun.” Which, as ever, seems to say more about the dirty mind of Mary Whitehouse.

Anyway, in an early demonstration of my contrary nature I rushed out to buy the single – almost certainly because it was banned – hoping for something significantly ruder than this. It’s OK in a retro-rock’n’roll sort of way but I preferred the other side.

Perhaps in order to evade the censors, the song was billed as a double-A-side. When you flipped it over you heard a throwaway ditty called C Moon that I found quite appealing, not least for Macca missing a cue in its intro.

It’s got the vibe of a pub singalong and a vaguely Caribbean flavour (at least in my mind) with its syncopated rhythm and exotic flourishes of xylophone and trumpet. And I rather like Linda’s backing vocals, which sound as if she’s inhaled helium.