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Cockney Rebel – Sebastian

10th December 2020 · 1970s, 1973, Music

When I first heard this song in 1973, I thought it was the strangest and most compelling piece of music I had ever heard. It still thrills. (more…)

Paul Simon teamed up with some of the greats of soul and Dixieland jazz for this exuberant tribute to New Orleans, Take Me To The Mardi Gras. (more…)

Middle-of-the-road cabaret duo Peters & Lee interrupted the all-conquering march of Glam with their sentimental singalong Welcome Home. (more…)

T. Rex – The Groover

7th December 2020 · 1970s, 1973, Glam, Music

T. Rex shone brightly for two and a half years and had a good run in the charts but this would turn out to be the last Top Ten hit for the prettiest star of Glam. (more…)

10cc – Rubber Bullets

7th December 2020 · 1970s, 1973, Music

The BBC, so fond of banning songs in this Whitehouse era, didn’t actually ban or censor Rubber Bullets despite believing it to be about the Troubles in Northern Ireland. (more…)

Stealers Wheel were a Scottish duo whose 1973 hit will forever be associated with that terrifying torture scene in Reservoir Dogs. (more…)

I’m not sure when my flirtation with heavy rock kicked in, nor why I was briefly a fan of Nazareth, but I do know when that was. It was 1973. (more…)

The greatest songs are timeless and inhabit a universe of their own. Walk On The Wild Side is one of those. You can never get tired of it, no matter how often you’ve heard it. At least I can’t. (more…)

Medicine Head were a distinctive duo who had a handful of hits in the early Seventies, beginning with One And One Is One. (more…)

Even in the weird world of novelty songs that became one-hit wonders in the early Seventies, there can have been few less likely hits than this. (more…)