I was hoping to see Fightmilk on Friday night at a night of LGBTQ+ music at the Sebright Arms, headlined by Belfast’s energetic feminist punks Problem Patterns. But because my friend Alex was late after missing his bus, and his train, I only caught their last number as they were the support act.
Never mind; there will be another time because there’s a lot to like about Fightmilk, whom I had somehow missed hearing about in the seven years since they put out their first record, an EP called The Curse Of Fightmilk.
That’s my loss because they are everything a pop group ought to be. They have talent and personality in abundance; they have great songs with great hooks; and they have lyrics that put a humorous spin on those traditional song subjects of love and loss.
For example Four Star Hotel, which reminisces about a not-so-dirty weekend with the lines: “How can I convince you that we’re stuck? / A four-star hotel and we still didn’t fuck”.
Then there’s this sad lament for a lost love who has moved to the seaside, with singer Lily Rae still pining: “I can’t stop looking at your two front teeth / They sit so sweet on your bottom lip… I think you’re cool / I like your overbite.”
I love that. I love that she sings “like” and not “love” and that somehow makes it more poignant. I love that they called their compilation album Both Types Of Hayfever. I love that their song titles include Girls Don’t Wanna Have Fun and Banger #4.
And I love that the (very brief) biog on their Bandcamp page (full text: “Extremely loud and incredibly gross”) ends with an acknowledgement to friends that concludes with the words: “Thanks also to the NHS. Fuck the Tories.”
But I’m not sure about Lily Rae’s lip-syncing in this otherwise excellent video of them performing at Paper Dress Vintage.