Freddie McGregor – Run Come Rally

29th September 1977 · 1970s, 1977, Music, Reggae

Freddie McGregor’s perfectly produced tune soothes the senses like the musical equivalent of sinking back into a nice hot bath for a long soak.

It’s all down to the characteristically subtle production of Winston Holness, aka Niney the Observer. Everything is in its right spot; nothing out of place, nothing overemphasised, nothing superfluous.

Freddie’s soulful vocal, practised since he started out as a seven-year-old child star in the early 1960s, sets the elegiac tone.

A plaintive muted trumpet breaks away from the ‘chorus’ of the other horns; the lonesome peals of guitar fall like tears; delicate piano runs fill the tiny gaps with snatches of melody.

Proof that production is not just about trickery: it’s about sympathy for the artist, tuning in not only to showcase the vocal but to amplify the emotion of the song. This is an exhibition of how to get it just right.