Low’s wonderful Christmas album is a staple in my house at this time of year. This is my favourite song.
The Fall might not be the most obvious band to convey the festive spirit. But Mark E Smith and chums do a decent job of tackling this old carol.
Galaxie 500 take Yoko Ono’s delicate Christmas song and transform it into an intense Velvets-like jam that improves on the original.
This little-known Christmas single by T.Rex may not be a classic, but it’s not bad enough to merit being left on the shelf until long after Marc Bolan’s death.
Mud took a sideways turn from Glam stompers to celebrate the Christmas of 1974 with an hommage to Elvis Presley – and a bizarre TOTP appearance.
Here’s a trio of songs for Christmas – one for opening the presents, another for after dinner at the end of the day, and one for Boxing Day.
Ellie Bleach – Merry Christmas, Do You Ever Think Of Me?
21st December 2023 · 2020s, 2023, Christmas, MusicThere’s a compelling argument that we’ve had enough Christmas songs to last a lifetime and don’t need any more. But this one has that same seasonal sense of sadness and nostalgia as Fairytale Of New York.
The definitive Christmas playlist.
All rubbish removed in advance.
Guaranteed no Mariah or Slade.
For best results play on Shuffle.