John – Hopper On The Dial

22nd August 2023 · 2020s, 2023, Music, Punk

Unlike some other old punks of my acquaintance, I am no longer a fan of being hectored by angry men thrashing guitars and pummelling drums into oblivion.

You can keep yer Idols and Slaves and I had assumed from a passing acquaintance that the amusingly (and accurately) named South London duo John – John Newton (drums, vocals) and Johnny Healey (guitars) – were in the same bracket. Until now.

While their default setting is pretty much what I describe above, they display a different gear on this, the B-side to their most recent single, which was called Theme New Bond Junior and, beneath the bluster, explored a theme of the speed of consumption – built-in obsolescence in physical products and the corresponding echo in our human attention spans.

The B-side, Hopper On The Dial, is a very different beast, albeit one that is no less intense, accompanied by a collage-like video. In place of the heavy thrashing is a brooding pace, haunting chimes of guitar and introspective vocals, building slowly and remorselessly towards a churning crescendo of guitar-driven noise.

Newton, the lyricist, has always been equally interested in visual influences alongside more obvious sonic reference points, understanding music’s ability to create imagery and interpretation, and was inspired here (as the title suggests) by the artist Edward Hopper.

“The title alludes to the contemplative characters of (his) paintings – often locked in thought in a series of dreamlike interiors,” he says. “The song functions in a similar manner: a wandering view that mulls over the potential of a future – whether that be the security of an occupation, home, or environment.

“It’s something a little more sprawling and spatial, with a floating pace that builds gradually…. Johnny has an incredible talent for these melodic guitar lines, often appearing as improvisations in between tracks throughout our live set. We’ve gradually pushed these to the forefront and I think it’s given us another dynamic ability as a band.”