The Selecter started out with this self-titled instrumental on the flip-side of Gangsters by The Special A.K.A. (soon to be shortened to The Specials) in 1979.
Fellow founders of the Two-Tone movement in Coventry, they would add Pauline Black to their line-up and enjoy a few hits in their own right.
The biggest was the first one, On My Radio, at the tail end of 1979, followed by Three Minute Hero, but the best was the poignant Missing Words.
This instrumental tune, written by Neol Davies and John Bradbury – who went on to join The Specials – predates her arrival.
Technically, it was a double-A side, described as a reggae-style soundclash on the record cover: Gangsters v The Selecter. It’s a great single – and it reached no.6 in the charts.