I have this record in my singles collection but I never played it much – and I have to admit I didn’t appreciate its significance as the first queer punk single. (more…)

I’m properly sad to hear that Chris Bailey has died. The Saints were a huge part of my youth. (more…)

The Police – Fall Out

10th April 2022 · 1970s, 1977, Music, Punk

The Police’s debut single, released in May 1977, offers little hint of the hugely successful band they would become. (more…)

The Adverts defined the ethos of punk with their tongues in their cheeks in the title of their debut single One Chord Wonders. (more…)

My mates and I never really bought into The Vibrators as a bona-fide punk band. (more…)

I don’t know anything about Ten Benson except that when I heard this song on Marc Riley’s 6Music show I thought it might be a lost out-take by The Stooges. (more…)

The Prefects occupy a unique place in music history. They released no records at all while they were together – but put one out one a year after they split. (more…)

Slaughter & The Dogs may seem no more than a footnote in the story of punk but they played a key role in its creation. (more…)

In the mid-Seventies, away from the pop charts but working hard at the coal face of the live music scene, one of the more entertaining bands on the London circuit was The Heavy Metal Kids. (more…)

In mid-1977, as punk slowly started to spread around the country, we would pick up whatever small handful of records were released on the indie labels springing up. (more…)