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Watch this! Alice Low unveils new song and video Sodomizer

TRIGGER WARNING: If you think you’re immune to cheap sentimentality this may make you reconsider. Eleven-year-old Björk Guðmundsdóttir’s debut is so cute that even the hardest heart will melt. (more…)

Watch this! Gender-fluid NY punks cumgirl8 release new single & video – Dumb Bitch

Celia & the Mutations only ever released two singles, and those four tracks featured the mysterious Celia backed by three different bands. (more…)

Over the years I’ve occasionally heard musicians on the end of scathing reviews express the idea that these critiques are motivated by jealousy. Some of them seem to think music journalists are all frustrated musicians. (more…)

Johnny & The Self-Abusers had the perfect punk trajectory, releasing one single in their eight-month career. Then they became Simple Minds.

Plenty of soul singers (Aretha, Otis, Whitney) had parents who were church ministers and plenty more began singing in church when they were young. A handful (Al Green, Eddie Holman) even went on to become ministers themselves. Only one earned the title “The Female Preacher” – Lyn Collins. (more…)

RIP Vangelis (1943-2022)

27th May 2022 · 2022, Music

Farewell prog pioneer, electronic music maestro and Oscar-winning film soundtrack composer Evangelos Odyssey Papathanassiou (yes, that really is his middle name)… better known as Vangelis.


Here’s another barely remembered and barely played single from my dusty shelf of 45s. It’s a pretty typical example of lower-league punk. (more…)

Ray Liotta (1954-2022)

Farewell then Henry Hill from Goodfellas, one of the screen’s immortal creations.

I only met Ray Liotta once, at the Golden Globes in 2003, and I made a bit of a fool of myself. (more…)