Sparks are a phenomenon. One of a kind. Or, to be precise, two of a kind. Russell and Ron, the Mael brothers, are still going strong with a combined age of 151.
I discovered them in my teens and they’re still making great music more than half a century later. I’d say they are as good as ever. Maybe even better.
This is their latest single, and that is Cate Blanchett, warming up for tonight’s Oscar ceremony.
I first saw Sparks in 1975 at the Odeon in Taunton, and have caught them a couple of times since. I hope to make it to the Royal Albert Hall in May; they never disappoint.
And now they are back on their old label Island – where they first came to my attention with This Town Ain’t Big Enough For Both Of Us in 1974.
I’m already looking forward to the new album which boasts some typically Maelish song titles like ‘Mona Lisa’s Packing, Leaving Late Tonight’ and ‘Nothing Is As Good As They Say It Is’.