
As a longtime fan of The Dears, I’ve always enjoyed the melancholy music and Bowiesque / Morriseyesque / Albarnesque croon of frontman Murray Lightburn. Even so, this is something I never expected from the creator of apocalyptic albums like Degeneration Street and No Cities Left.


RIP Tom Verlaine (1949-2023)

29th January 2023 · 2020s, 2022, Music

Tom Verlaine of Television has died, aged 73.


This isn’t the best thing the provocatively named Canadian band Fucked Up have ever done. Because that would be when they took part in the self-explanatory Festival of the Fuck Bands in 2008.


Jesse & Bill – The Line

5th January 2023 · 2020s, 2022, Music

Sometimes a song comes out of nowhere and grabs your ear. That happened to me when Guy Garvey played this on the radio just before Christmas.


This was a year in which the broadsheet film reviewers doled out 5-star reviews like candy to kids on an almost weekly basis, creating high expectations for the year in cinema.


If there’s a more powerful, pertinent and poignant protest song than Midlife In A Small Town by Dead Sheeran, I’d like to hear it.


Like most of us, I imagine, I spent a lot of time watching the telly over the course of this year. These were my favourites and I think they demonstrate pretty clearly why anyone who wants to “defund the BBC” is an idiot.


RIP Terry Hall (1957-2022).

The Specials were part of my youth, and I saw them several times, including that magical first time with Madness and Dexys and The Selecter all on one bill in 1979.


Emeka Ogboh – Ayilara

11th December 2022 · 2020s, 2022, Music

I have never been to Nigeria but I feel as if I’ve spent time amid the hustle and bustle of Lagos while listening to sound artist Emeka Ogboh’s album 6°30’33.372″N 3°22’0.66″E.


Song of the Day

With its spooky folk-horror video and creepy choral vocals by the Mediaeval Baebes, Orbital have created a post-pandemic anthem that fuses their characteristic dance rhythms with the playground song Ring A Ring O’Roses.
