The hits kept coming for Slade and Skweeze Me Pleeze Me was as great as any of them. It gave them their fifth chart topper, making them the undisputed kings of Glam. (more…)

Here’s a tune that takes me straight back to the summer of 1973: one of two top ten hits – You Can Do Magic and Walking Miracle – for Limmie & The Family Cookin’. (more…)

Clifford T. Ward – Gaye

13th December 2020 · 1970s, 1973, Music

Schoolteacher Clifford T. Ward made an unusual addition to the parade of Glam rockers on Top of the Pops with his sensitive piano ballad Gaye. (more…)


This was far from being Elton John’s best single. But it would spark a superior cover version by The Who nearly 20 years later. (more…)

Gordon Lightfoot’s timeless tune If You Could Read My MInd unwittingly provided the template for Whitney Houston’s hit The Greatest Love Of All. (more…)

Cockney Rebel – Sebastian

10th December 2020 · 1970s, 1973, Music

When I first heard this song in 1973, I thought it was the strangest and most compelling piece of music I had ever heard. It still thrills. (more…)

Paul Simon teamed up with some of the greats of soul and Dixieland jazz for this exuberant tribute to New Orleans, Take Me To The Mardi Gras. (more…)

Middle-of-the-road cabaret duo Peters & Lee interrupted the all-conquering march of Glam with their sentimental singalong Welcome Home. (more…)

T. Rex – The Groover

7th December 2020 · 1970s, 1973, Glam, Music

T. Rex shone brightly for two and a half years and had a good run in the charts but this would turn out to be the last Top Ten hit for the prettiest star of Glam. (more…)

10cc – Rubber Bullets

7th December 2020 · 1970s, 1973, Music

The BBC, so fond of banning songs in this Whitehouse era, didn’t actually ban or censor Rubber Bullets despite believing it to be about the Troubles in Northern Ireland. (more…)